With the advent of digital photography, my old "toy lens" is a great option for beginning bird photographers. Here, handholding with the 1.4X TC, I was able to produce sharp images by choosing ISO 400 in spite of the sunny conditions. The 400 f/5.6 with a 20D is relatively inexpensive and makes a great starter kit.
BIRDS AS ART friend Hal DuPont has the following Canon Cameras for sale:
New in the original box:
EOS 1DS-Mark II: $ 7,995.00 (1 available)
EOS 1D Mark II: $ 4,595.00 (2 available)
EOS 20D with 17 - 85 mm IS Lens Kit: $ 2,195.00 (1 available)
Used in mint condition:
EOS 1D: $1,795.00 (1 available)
EOS 10D: $995.00 (1 available)
Each plus $35.00 for 2nd day shipping and insurance.
You can contact Hal at
Hallagator@aol.com or 772 - 913-1111.

American Bittern, Bosque Del Apache, NWR, San Antonio, New Mexico
Image copyright 2004 Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 600mm f/4 L IS lens with 2XII TC and EOS 1D Mark II on Gitzo CF 1325 tripod with Wimberley head. One-Shot AF with Central Sensor/focused on the eye and recomposed. ISO 250. Evaluative Metering at zero: 1/640 sec. at f/10.
I was thrilled to have a chance to photograph this species for the first time at Bosqe near the end of my trip. As regular readers know, I prefer to work at f/10 or 11 with the 2X TC. With static subjects I lock all of the knobs on the Wimberley head for maximum sharpness. Note also the placement of the bird well back in the frame.
The two amazing images below were created by Robert O'Toole on the first Bosque IPT. I continue to be amazed by the talent and creativity of many IPT participants and am often inspired by their work as well. Way to go Robert! (Note: Robert is a full time fashion photographer who has been on four IPTs (and the Kenya Photo Safari with Todd and me) within the past year.)
Snow Geese Blast-off at Farm Deck, Bosque Del Apache NWR, NM
Image copyright 2004/Robert O'toole
Canon 15mm fish eye lens with EOS 1Ds Mark II. ISO 100. Evaluative metering -1/3 stop: 1/400 sec. at f/8.
Snow Geese One Second Blur, Bosque Del Apache NWR, NM
Image copyright 2004/Robert O'toole
Canon 500mm f/4 L IS lens with 1.4X II TC and Canon EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/sec. at f/32.
Here are Robert's comments on this amazing image: "You can count the wing beats of the geese during the 1 second exposure. The key was knowing where to stop and set up, thanks to you Artie. I would have driven right past. Then I pre-visualized the shot all the way across the pond with the bright cottonwoods in the background. I quickly threw on the 1.4 X extender, rebalanced, leveled my tripod, locked the Wimberley's tilt arm control and left the pan control loose. As the geese took flight I quickly dialed the aperture down to f/32, held my finger on the shutter button, and started panning. Cuh-thunk, cuh-thunk,cuh-thunk... I made several 1 second exposures."