Photo Theme: my very favorite images from the St. Augustine Alligator Farm IPT.

Cattle Egret, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 500mm f/4 L IS lens with 25mm extension tube, 1.4X TC and and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400.
Evaluative Metering +1/3 stop: 1/200 sec. at f/5.6. Fill flash at -3 stops with Better Beamer and built-in diffuser lowered.
I use the extension tube for a bit of extra magnification and for close focus when I need it. Cattle Egrets in full breeding plumage are one of my favorite species...
The St. Augustine Alligator Farm (first-ever 3 1/2 day) IPT was a huge success. At my suggestion, the folks at the Farm planted several low perch trees in the rookery and each afforded some great new opportunities. As is usual, we had a group of sweet folks eager to learn to make better images. There were several good Great Egret nests with chicks and the smaller species, especially the Cattle Egrets were nesting up a storm, and the Wood Storks are nesting in record numbers. One low nest on the left side of the oak already has chicks and will be super for photography in about two to three weeks on cloudy days. We rented the Education Room for four days and it proved to be a perfect venue for the midday slide programs. We were even able to leave our gear in the room during lunch! The food at Gypsy Cab Company was outstanding as usual, and thanks to Stephen Jensen, we discovered Caps about 7 miles north of the Farm on A1A. (Cross the two bridges on A1A and turn left at the big castle...) Great food in a lovely outdoor setting.
It was sunny for the first 1 1/2 days but we enjoyed cloudy weather for the last two and everyone learned how to do flight photography on white sky days. With some strong south winds on Saturday afternoon we had some great chances. Jim Litzenberg, my right-hand man, joined this IPT on a busman's holiday and Robert O'Toole was along as my co-leader. Both Jim and Robert added to the IPT experience in a variety of ways. Thanks again guys! We will be announcing next year's dates in late May.
Great Egret in flight with nesting material, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm IS L zoom lens (handheld at 180mm) with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering. Added three stops to the white sky reading and set that manually: 1/1250 sec. at f/4. High-speed Synch fill flash at -1 2/3 stops with Better Beamer.
I am loving my 70-200. It was invaluable at the Alligator Farm.
Due to two late cancellations, there are two openings for next week's Lake Martin IPT:
Lake Martin, La, Baby Spoonbill IPT: 3 -DAY: $899 May 13-15, 2005. Barring natural disaster, we should have baby spoonbills of varying sizes in the nests. In addition, there will be lots of courtship and nest-building going on, as well as Great Egret chicks. Yellow- and Black-Crowned Night Herons should be easy from your vehicle, and we can pretty much guarantee Barred Owl both perched and in flight.
I am offering a $200 late registration discount. You will need to be in Lafayette on the late afternoon of May 12. If you would like to join us, please call (863-692-0906) or e-mail immediately to avoid disappointment.
Snowy Egret displaying, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm IS L zoom lens (handheld at 280mm) with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 200. Evaluative Metering at zero: 1/1600 at f/5.6 (set manually). Fill flash at -2 stops with Better Beamer.
This very tame individual was resting on the boardwalk railing in full sun. I needed to move slowly to get close enough to make the image that I wanted. If you know what you are doing around birds, it is possible to make some wonderful images, even head-shots, with the shorter focal length lenses...
#1: I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the class! Not only did I learn a lot from you, but I learned critical things from each of the others as well. Robert and Jim were unbelievable in helping, offering advice and being a friend. Their approach to me was low-key and made me feel important - as you did.
I was so tired at the end, but when I walked out to do flight shots on Sunday afternoon, the adrenalin kicked in and I was in heaven - got some good images as well. But, I could feel my arms shaking as I twisted and turned for shots of the beautiful birds.
My most valuable - invaluable really - lessons dealt with:
1. Flight shot techniques, especially on cloudy days - I would have passed up cloudy days.
2. And, on sunny days, most of my shots were usually badly sidelit... "Point your shadow at the bird!"
3. The tremendous advantage of a lens less than 200 mm for flight shots - especially with their light weight.
4. Use of low power flash to bring out details on the bird.
5. The high speed lap-top Delkin CardBus Adapter and what that slot was on the side of my laptop.
6. Learning to study background - and that you don't have to move left and right - sometimes just up and down - never thought of that. (Robert and I took the "same" shots of a Cattle Egret; my background was green - he managed to find some old dead branches and got the background light brown.)
7. "Trick" key strokes in Photoshop and lots of Breeze Browser tips.
I know that there were many more, but I just want to say thanks for teaching and caring to teach all you learn. You don't keep secrets just for yourself!!! Now to order my Mark II!!!
Best, Joel Reynolds
Cattle Egret squawking, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 500mm f/4L IS lens with EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering +1/3 stop: 1/200 sec. at f/4. Fill flash at -3 stops with Better Beamer and built-in diffuser lowered.
This bird was perched on one of the several new snags erected this past winter.
#2: Thanks so much for the invaluable experience provided by you, Jim and Robert during the recent St. Augustine IPT. I have been more of an observer of bird behavior than a bird watcher with a life list, and enjoy bird art and extra ordinary bird photography. After reading The Art of Bird Photography in early 2004, one of goals became attending an IPT. My photography background is limited and my experience with digital images nominal. The St. Augustine IPT was one of the most enjoyable, challenging, and educational experiences I have encountered. The easy to understand explanations and examples when coupled with your depth of knowledge and experience was phenomenal. The image critique sessions were immensely helpful and the other participants whom I talked with concurred. Your employment of the KISS (keep it simple) method during the teaching sessions and demonstrations underscore that you truly enjoy sharing your knowledge and ability with others. Although I was frequently overwhelmed and endured much sleep deprivation, the IPT was unquestionably worth every moment of time and every last penny invested. I look forward to attending another IPT in the near future. Plus or minus 2/3's a stop, I forget!! Thanks again for the awesome experience. Sincerely, Monte Brown

Wood Stork in flight with face-ful of nesting material
St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm IS L zoom lens (handheld at 98mm) with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering. Added three stops to the white sky reading and set that manually: 1/1250 sec. at f/4. High-speed Synch fill flash at -1 2/3 stops with Better Beamer.
Before this image, I had never made a photo of a bird in flight where I liked the image even though the eye was not visible... Lots of folks in the group were astonished when I recommended adding three stops of light to the reading off of the white sky, but the proof was in the pudding. Do note that three stops open off of the sky would equate to about 1 1/2 stops open on an image like this as the undersides of the bird read well darked than the sky.
#3: I just wanted to thank you and let you know that I just ordered the BreezeBrowser Pro and DownLoader through your site. After evaluating BreezeBrowser for 13 days, I came to the conclusion that I cannot live without it if I'm going to continue doing digital imaging :) By far and without a doubt, it offers the best RAW viewing and conversion program that I've used, and I have tried a number of different programs. It is simply outstanding for both speed and quality. Haven't tried DownLoader Pro yet but I will take your word for it, you were certainly on the money with BreezeBrowser ! Steve Ashley, Winter Haven, Florida
Great Egret chicks in nest, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm IS L zoom lens (handheld at 210mm) with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering -2/3 stop: 1/1800 at f/4 (set manually). Fill flash at -1 1/3 stops with Better Beamer.
A group of us was photographing this nest when the birds lined up for a photo. As I saw the bird in the rear lean forward imperceptibly, I said, "Here comes a double overhead wing stretch." The rest was history. I was fortunate to have all of the heads juxtaposed so perfectly and to have three sharp eyes...
Tony Sweet is one of the most creative photographers I have ever run into. His new book, "Fine Art Flower Photography has just been released by Stackpole Books. It is a lovely book filled with killer images and great tips on how each photograph was created.
The book is $19.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling = $24.95 signed, sealed, and delivered. Folks can send a check to Tony at Tony Sweet Photography, Inc., 6408 Bonnie Brae Road,
Eldersburg, MD 21784, or they can e-mail him at to inquire about ordering via Paypal.
Roseate Spoonbill, close-up of ankle and leg, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 500mm f/4L IS lens with 25mm Extension Tube and 2X II TC with EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering at 0: 1/60 sec. at f/11. Fill flash at -3 stops with Better Beamer and built in diffuser lowered.
There were several one-year old spoonbills at point-blank range in the new, low perch tree just past the big tree skeleton...
The Art of Bird Photography; It Ain't Just Birds! Weekend Seminar
Atlanta, Georgia, July 30-31, 2005 Presented by Photo Road Show
This seminar is for all nature photographers who want to learn how to make better images. I will describe the methods and techniques that I have developed and used since 1983. My comments on equipment (including digital), autofocus, light, composition and image design, and sharpness and my tips on getting close to wild subjects and photographing action and behavior will benefit everyone with a telephoto lens who wishes to dramatically improve the quality of their images. Since going all-digital in November 2002, I have--in short order--become a digital photography and Photoshop expert. My approach to optimizing images is to create a master file of excellent quality in the shortest possible time. I will share our workflow and numerous Photoshop tips during the Sunday sessions.
Weekend package (2 days): $159. Either Saturday or Sunday: $109. To register send a check for the full amount made out to "Arthur Morris" to PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855. We accept credit cards by phone: 863-692-0906. In either case, we need your e-mail address, your mailing address, and your daytime and evening phone numbers. Here is the Cancellation Policy for these events. Photo Road Show is relying on your attendance, so if for any reason you need to withdraw, please notify Arthur Morris as soon as possible. Once we receive written notice of your cancellation the following fees apply: cancel 31+ days prior to the start of the workshop and your fee will be refunded less a $50.00 cancellation fee; cancel less 30 days prior to the date of the workshop and there will be no refund. Venue: Renaissance Waverly Hotel
Please e-mail us to request the SAT/SUN schedules.

Cattle Egrets copulating, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 500mm f/4L IS lens with EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering +1/3 stop: 1/200 sec. at f/8. Fill flash at -3 stops with Better Beamer and built in diffuser lowered.
This pair was building a nest right below the new, low perch tree.
Photograph Coastal Brown Bears safely at close range in Lake Clark National Park as they fish for salmon and cavort through streams. There should be some young bears around, and in most years there are one or more pairs of spring cubs. We will also fish for salmon ourselves and may do one trip for halibut if the tides cooperate. We will fly to the fabled Silver Salmon Creek Lodge from Anchorage on the morning of Friday, September 16, 2005 and fly back to Anchorage about mid-day on Thursday September 22. The 7-day/6-night package includes all meals, photo boat trips, salmon fishing and sea kayaks for the young and brave. If we do fit in a halibut trip near the end of our visit, the cost is $50 per person. There will of course be lots of in-the-field instruction and ample opportunities for image sharing and photoshop lessons. The cost of the trip is $3399. If you would like to join us, please--at your earliest convenience--send a $1700 deposit check made out to Arthur Morris (PO Box 7245, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855). Six of the ten slots are filled at present.

Tricolored Heron displaying, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 500mm f/4L IS lens with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 400. Evaluative Metering -1/3 stop: 1/200 sec. at f/5.6. Fill flash at -3 stops with Better Beamer and built in diffuser lowered.
I almost always subtract 1/3 stop of light when photographing this species as the base of the bill is very light-toned.
Great Egret chicks eager to be fed, St. Augustine Alligator Farm, St. Augustine, FL
Image copyright 2005: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon 70-200mm IS L zoom lens (handheld at 110 mm) with 1.4X II TC and EOS 1D Mark II. ISO 1600. Evaluative Metering -1 stop: 1/500 sec. at f/4 (set manually). Fill flash at -2 stops with Better Beamer.
The smaller the white birds in the frame and the darker the background, the more underexposure you need to keep from burning the whites.
Best, and love and great picture-making to all,