Birds As Art Bulletin
March 1, 2010
Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART, PO Box 7245 4041
Granada Drive, Indian Lake Estates, FL 33855. Telephone: 863-692-0906.
Computer fax: 877- 265-6955
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it in the Bulletin Archives here:
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At the bottom of the last
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Only it will show your
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Inspirational, Educational, & Fun. Honest critiques done gently:
(It Ain't Just Birds!)
ART BLOG: Great info with a personal touch, great images, and our legendary
BAA educational captions:
NOTE: If you are responding to a
Bulletin via e-mail please take the time to delete all irrelevant text and
images. Thanks.
Roseate Spoonbill, "Wing Tips Up," Alafia
Banks, Tampa Bay, FL
Image copyright 2010/Arthur Morris/BIRDS
Canon 400mm f/4 IS DO lens (handheld) with the
Canon EOS-7D. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop off the 30
degrees up from the horizon sky: 1/2000 sec. at f/8 set manually.
I created this image on a Sunday morning trip
aboard James Shadle's pontoon boat, Hooptie Deux this past Sunday. The
exposure that I set worked out well for the sunlit areas of white but the
shaded underwings were well under-exposed and needed some noise reduction.
To see four more of my favorite spoonbill flight images from that morning
check out the BPN thread here:
You will find some additional comments on 7D noise. If you come
to Florida to photograph any time between now and April and wish to photograph
adult spoonbills you need to get out with James Shadle, either for some
private days or on one of his workshops; you can contact James here:
For years regular readers have been hearing me
say that nature photographers today are lucky because of the wonderful
educational information that is available today. And that much of that info is
available from BIRDS AS ART; The original soft cover "The Art of Bird
Photography," the digital continuation, "The Art of Bird Photography II (916
pages on CD only), and our Digital Basics file (a PDF sent via e-mail). Here
is an e-mail correspondence that I
had the other day with Paul Mckenzie who will be joining me on the first
Midway trip:
Hi Paul, It is good to hear from you . Re:
For as long
as I can remember, I have had a deep passion for wildlife, both terrestrial
and marine. In the late 1990s I began to think about trying to capture some
images of wildlife. I bought some decent equipment and read several books on
photography prior to a trip to East Africa in 1997. I thought I had a
reasonable grasp of what I was doing photographic wise but when I got my
slides back from the lab post the trip, I realized I did not. I continued to
flounder around for the next year or so and probably confused myself even
more by reading further books and manuals by many of the supposed
photographic experts of the time. Browsing the web one day, I
came across your seminal book 'The Art of Bird Photography'. After just one
reading, much of the fog lifted. After several readings with special
attention to the chapter on exposure, the quality of my images improved
I experienced a similar haze when I made the
decision to switch over to digital. Being barely computer literate, I found
the whole post-production process daunting. So where did I turn? - Digital
Basics by A.Morris.
Thanks for putting a
big smile on my face.
What sets you apart
from other photographic teachers is your ability to use simple but concise
prose accompanied by clear images. I love the way you dumb down the various
steps and processes so that simpletons such as myself can fully understand
what you are trying to get across. This has been especially useful when it
comes to Photoshop skills. I suspect this comes from your previous career as
a school teacher.
I do not necessarily think you
are the world's greatest nature photographer (but you are certainly up
there!), but you are hands down the greatest photographic and digital post
production teacher out there. I am sure there are thousands and thousands of
photographic courses taught around the world each year. 'The Art of Bird
Photography' and 'Digital Basics' should in my opinion be mandatory reading
for any course. What's great is that the skills you cover in both
publications are applicable not just to bird and nature photography but to
many other genres of photography.
You are most
When I meet newbies,
intermediate or even advanced photographers, I nearly always recommend your
publications and your image critique web site without reservation.
More than any other
photographer, you have been responsible for the development of my own
photography. While my photography is constantly evolving and while I still
have much to learn, you have unquestionably been the single biggest
influence on my progression.
I am glad for
I am now beginning to earn a
small, but growing, amount of income from my photography. You can view a
selection of some of my images on my web site �
(probably easiest to click on 'Favourites' and activate the slide show
Well, I must
admit that I went to your web site with some trepidation; lots of folks send
links to images that are just horrific. I often wonder: "Are they
looking at the images in the Bulletins? Do they not see the
When I started
viewing your images I was blown away, totally blown away. So much so
that I called Jim over to gasp and marvel at your artistry.
Practically every image that I saw in your "Favourites" gallery has BBC
potential. The Tahiti leaf is too, too much. I have never seen a
photograph like it. How did you come up with that one? The lion
cub with the grinning zebra, the jackal with the gazelle fawn, your aerials,
the two cheetahs with the Topi, the croc and wildebeest images, and 009, the
Laysan Albatross with the o-o-f foliage. Wow! Please stop.
You are killing me.
It will be an honor and a
privilege to meet you on the upcoming Midway trip but most of all I wanted
to thank you for helping my development as a photographer.
YAW but the
honor and privilege will be mine. Though we have never met you are
surely one of my very best students (if not the very best): your artistic
eye and the vast scope of your work is astounding. And like me, you
have led a blessed life. I am honored that you call me
"teacher." Thanks a ton for your more than kind words and for the link to
your web site.
Later and love, artie
If you would like to learn the basics of bird and nature photography,
understand exposure theory, and learn to make your images look great in
short order, click here and follow the links for the original soft cover
"The Art of Bird Photography," the digital continuation, "The Art of Bird
Photography II (916 pages on CD only), and our Digital Basics file (a PDF
sent via e-mail):

Arthur Morris with the Canon 400mm f/4
IS DO and the 800mm f/5.6L IS, Alafia Banks, Tampa Bay, FL
Image courtesy of and copyright
2010/James Shadle,
Nikon D700 with 16mm lens. 1/320 SS @ F11. Flash at 0 with the Ray
Flash attached.
You gotta love what you are doing! My do-rag is simply the Sun
Protection Hood folded up for flight photography; I do this often when the
sun is behind me which is almost always <smile> Click here and
scroll down to learn about the Sun Protection Hood and the BPN visor: Note:
the Mongoose M3.5 heads (seen here)are in very short supply....
Great Egret, Venice Rookery, FL
Image copyright 2010/Arthur
Canon 400mm f/4 IS DO lens (handheld) with the
Canon EOS-1D MIV. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +2 stops off the
pre-dawn sky: 1/40 sec. at f/4 set manually. Flash at -1 stop.
I created this image from a not very
pleasing pre-dawn flash blur by starting with Fractalius's Glow 100
pre-set, my favorite. To learn lots more about Fracting, follow the links
in the next feature.
The following tutorial, Downloading and Running Fractalius, was
prepared by Denise Ippolito and Arthur Morris. It is designed for
computer dummies like artie. Different operating systems may require
slight modifications. On the off chance that you become
confused while attempting to follow the directions, please ask a
computer-savvy friend for help. We are writing this for the many (more than
220) folks who have purchased Fractalius (Windows only) but are having
problems getting it running. This tutorial should work well with other
Photoshop plug-ins as well as with Fractalius.
Downloading a Plug-In
Once you have purchased a plug-in or are downloading a free trial version,
first click on the Download button. Click OK. HIt "Save as" and
then hit OK. The file will begin to download;
it often takes several minutes or more, Be patient. When the
download is complete, do not close the dialogue
Once the download is complete, you will see the downloaded file highlighted
at the top of the list. Double-click on the file. A new
dialogue box will open. Now double-click on the file name again.
Now click on Install. (With plug-ins other than Fractalius you may
need to follow alternate, step by step instructions to complete the
installation of one or more programs.)
Once your plug-in is installed, restart Photoshop; your plug-in should
appear on the drop-down list of Filters. If you have downloaded
Fractalius, it will be under the Redfield subheading. (You will need
to have an image open in order to open the Fractalius plug-in.)
If--like artie--you are running both CS-3 and CS-4 on the same machine and
you wish to have Fractalius available on both, you may need to install
Fractalius a second time. Say for example, that the above
procedure installed Fractalius into CS-3 (you see Redfield on the Filter
drop-down list) but not into CS-4. You will need to find your Download
folder. Most folks can do this by clicking on their personal
folder ("Denise," or, in my case, "Arthur Morris") and then clicking on the
Downloads folder. Now click on the Setup Fractalius.exe icon. When
the dialogue box opens, select the 32-bit version of CS-4 from the dropdown
menu. The 32-bit version will be designated by the following: (x86).
When you restart the 32-bit version of CS-4, you will see Redfield in the
drop-down filter list. Again, you will need to open an image to access
How to Run the 32-bit Version of CS4
You cannot run Fractalius in 64-bit versions of Photoshop. Most times
when you install CS-4, only the 64-bit version is accessible.
You will need to create a desktop shortcut so that you can open the 32-bit
version of CS-4 when you wish to use Fractalius in CS-4.
To create a desktop shortcut for the 32-bit version of CS-4 click
on Start/All Programs. Look for the folder that contains CS-4.
Open it. You should see the 64-bit version and right below it, another
version designated as follows: (x86). Right click on the (x86)
version and select "Create Shortcut." This will create a shortcut on
your desktop for the 32-bit version of CS-4. Move the newly created
shortcut icon to a location on your desktop that you will remember.
When you wish to open the 32-bit version of Photoshop (as when you want to
use Fractalius), click on the new icon. When you want to open
the 64-bit version, click on the original CS-4 icon. If you get
confused you can try passing your cursor over each icon. One will
indicate 64-bit, the other will include (x86); the latter will be the 32-bit
Fractalius notes: Fractalius is a Windows only plug-in. You can use
Fractalius only on 8-bit images.

Reddish Egrets, mated pair in breeding
plumage, Alafia Banks, Tampa Bay, FL
Image copyright 2010/Arthur Morris/BIRDS
Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens with the 1..4X II TC
and the EOS-1D Mark IV. ISO 800. Evaluative metering +1 1/3 stops: 1/160 sec.
at f/11.
Be honest, if you saw this on the back of the
camera while photographing on James Shadle's Hooptie Deux you would surely
think of deleting it right then and there, right? If yes, then you do
not understand how to get the right exposure while using digital capture.
This image was properly "exposed to the right." I pushed the data as far
to the right as possible without getting any flashing highlights. A few
recoverable (they pretty much always are) flashing highlights would be even
Believe it or not the image below was created
from the washed out original image above using simple Levels and Curves
adjustments as detailed in Digital Basics: By
exposing to the right you will create larger files with more data, more color
information, and less noise. You just have to trust. Do note the
significant background clean-up that was done with the Patch Tool and the Spot
Healing Brush (again as described in detail in Digital Basics.
Great news for BreezeBrowser users and for me:
BreezeBrowser Pro v1.9.5 has folder
monitoring and support for the following camers: Nikon D3000, Nikon D5000,
Nikon D3X, Nikon D3s, Canon EOS-1D Mark IV,
Canon EOS-7D, Canon PowerShot SX1 IS, Canon PowerShot G11,
Panasonic DMC-FZ38, Panasonic DMC-G1, Panasonic DMC-GH1, Sony DSLR-A330,
Pentax K-7, Olympus E-450 and Olympus E-620. Now I can not only edit my day's
images with lightning speed, manage my entire photographic collection, and (if
I choose to use BreezeBrowser), conveniently convert both 7D and Mark IV RAW
files, but I can view the focus points for my two workhorse cameras as well.
To learn more about or to purchase BreezeBrowser please click here:
Anhinga Feeding chick, Wakodahatchee
Wetlands, Boynton Beach, FL
Image copyright 2010/Arthur Morris/BIRDS
Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC
and the EOS-1D Mark IV. ISO 400: 1/800 sec. at f/8 confirmed by histogram
I created this image after 10am at the BPN
South Florida Get-To-Gether on February 7 on a bright sunny day.
Controlling contrast is far easier with digital than with film (to the point
of being amazing). Here I added canvas left (using another image in
the sequence as my source) using the Quick Masking techniques from Robert
O'Toole's APTATS I. This image, captured at the absolute peak of the
action, had the perfect head angle for the adult.
I will be doing two programs at
this event on Saturday April 10, 2010. Details will follow when I get back
from Midway. The morning program, "A Bird Photographer's Story," is
being sponsored by Canon USA/Explorers of Light.
West Coast
Flight/July, 2010 Photography Workshops
Join bird photographers Jim Neiger and Doug Brown in July, 2010
for two workshops focusing on birds in flight. Jim pioneered the hand
held technique for photographing birds in flight and BirdPhotographers.Net
avian moderator Doug Brown has photographed birds extensively along the
Southern California coast; he knows all of the best locations. They have
teamed up to focus on teaching you how to photograph birds in flight plus a
whole lot more. This first of its kind workshop on the west coast is not
to be missed! Jim and Doug have selected the area around Huntington Beach,
California for its incredible number and variety of birds, not to mention the
great weather! In July, Terns will number in the tens of thousands, and
there should be no fewer than five different species (Elegant, Forster's,
Caspian, Royal, and Least). Black Skimmers, Pelicans, Egrets, Herons,
and Gulls will all be plentiful. There will also be opportunities to
photograph more challenging subjects such as raptors, kingfisher,, and
shorebirds. The mix of large and small birds flying at a range of speeds
from very slow to lightning fast will allow photographers of all experience
levels to find subjects that they are comfortable with, while practicing their
freshly learned skills. The nonstop action combined with individualized
instruction will help you to master the hand held, long lens technique favored
by both Jim and Doug. Manual exposure for birds in flight will also be
emphasized. There will be a four hour class on the first day, followed
by morning and afternoon sessions in the field for each of the next three
days. As an added feature, you will have the opportunity to hone your
Lightroom and Photoshop skills with Jim and Doug during the free time in
between field sessions. Each of the workshops will be limited to twelve
participants; with two expert instructors available, everyone will receive
plenty of individualized attention both in the field and the classroom.

Forster's Tern Flight
Image copyright © 2009 Doug Brown
Black-necked Stilt
Image copyright © 2009 Doug Brown
Workshop Dates:
WCF-1: July 10-13, 2010. WCF-2: July 14-17, 2010.
The cost of each workshop is $1250 per person.
Each workshop includes a half day of formal classroom instruction session
and a morning and afternoon photography session each day. The
photography sessions include personalized instruction. A $625 non-refundable
deposit is required. The remaining $625 is due 45 days before the start date
of the workshop. If you are unable to attend the workshop after paying
the balance, your balance will be refunded only if your spot can be
filled on short notice from the waiting list. All workshop payments must
be made by check or money order. Credit cards are not accepted.
Please make checks payable to Doug Brown and send them to: Doug Brown, 13705
Elena Gallegos Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111.
Participant Requirements: Participants should have working knowledge of how to
create a properly exposed image, a telephoto lens of 400mm or more (300mm with
a teleconverter is acceptable), and be physically capable of holding their
camera and lens up to their eye in shooting position for at least 20 seconds.
Participants must also have a vehicle to travel to and from the photography
Elegant Tern Head Shake
Image copyright © 2009 Jim Neiger/Flight School Photography
Flight School Goes Loony!/Common Loons with
Chicks and More!
Common Loon with Chicks, Lac Le Jeune, BC, Canada
Image copyright © 2010: Kevin Karlson
Kamloops, BC, Canada -
June 21-25, 2010
Join bird photographers Jim Neiger and Kevin Karlson for 5 days of
extraordinary bird photography and instruction at beautiful Lac Le Jeune.
This beautiful lodge set in the mountains near Kamloops, British Columbia
offers unique opportunities to photograph Common Loons with their chicks as
well as a wide assortment of other avian subjects around the lodge and
surrounding areas. Other photogenic bird species will include Black Tern,
Barrow�s Goldeneye, Ring-necked Duck, Red-naped Sapsucker and many others.
Nearby wildlife refuges and recreation areas will have several pairs of very
photographable Red-necked Grebes with chicks in the nest and riding on the
parent's back. Mountain Bluebirds may be found in nest boxes along numerous
country roads. Calliope and Rufous Hummingbirds are possible at several
hummingbird feeders.
Jim has spent the past several years perfecting his techniques for
photographing birds in flight using large telephoto lenses hand held.
The focus of these workshops will be learning Jim�s hand held, long lens
techniques for photographing birds in flight and in action. Kevin
Karlson is an accomplished wildlife photographer, author, birder, and
professional tour leader who is very familiar with the wildlife at Lac Le
Jeune and the surrounding areas.
A large, open-topped pontoon boat allows for group photography of up to 5
photographers for very close approach to Common Loons and their chicks.
Wing-flaps, fly-bys, chicks riding on the back of adult loons, and take-offs
and landings are some of the photographic chances with these tame loons. Another
more intimate option is the availability of several small boats with electric
motors. These boats can comfortably hold two photographers with tripods (or
not) and allow very close approaches to Common Loons with chicks and the Black
Tern colony on the small lake adjacent to the lodge. You will be able to
take these boats out on the lake at times of your choosing for a more personal
shooting experience. Kayaks are also available for those who want a �water
level� shooting perspective. Several feeders are also set up around the lodge
for potential songbird photography. Juncos, chickadees, nuthatches and siskins
are some of the possible birds. We will set up attractive perches to allow for
more natural photos of these and other songbirds. There
are several other recreation areas and wildlife refuges, located within a half
hour of the lodge, that provide wonderful opportunities to photograph
Red-necked Grebe nests with chicks and a large assortment of other waterfowl.
Possible �chicks and adult female� photography include Barrow�s Goldeneye,
Ring-necked Duck, Bufflehead, and Lesser Scaup. Mountain Bluebirds nest in
abundance in numerous nest boxes along country road fence lines. We will
search for Red-shafted Flicker nests, as well as the cavity nesting Northern
3-toed Woodpecker.
The workshop will
begin with a four hour classroom session at 2:00pm on June 21st and end
following lunch on June 25th. There will be three and a half days of
photography with informal instruction in the field. Participants will also have
use of the boats and other resort facilities during their free time. The
workshops will be limited to ten participants so that everyone may photograph in
comfort and receive personalized instruction.
The workshop
includes single occupancy lodging, all meals, use of facilities, and all
gratuities at the beautiful Lac Le Jeune Resort. A double occupancy
discount of $200 is available on a limited basis. The cost of the workshop
is $2100 US dollars per person. A 50% non-refundable deposit of $1050 is
required to reserve a spot in the workshop. The remaining $1050 is due 30
days prior to the start of the workshop. For additional info, click here:
Jim Neiger, Flight
School Photography, Inc. 550 Basin Drive, Kissimmee, FL 34744-4804. Cell
: (407) 247-5200. Email:

Nesting Black Tern with Chicks, Lac Le Jeune, BC, Canada
Image copyright © 2010: Kevin Karlson
The �ORIGINAL� Gatorland Photographic
Instructional Workshops
Field Workshops: March 20-21, 2010 (one space
available), April 3-4, 2010 (one space available). Extensive
in-the-field instruction at East Central Florida's best rookery location,
Gatorland in Kissimmee, FL. Includes two-hour image critique sessions each
day of images you created during the workshop. Field instruction includes
isolating your subject, understanding light, proper exposure (exposing to
the right), using depth of field to your advantage, fill-flash and lots
more. CD with lesson plans included - no note taking required. Learn more
Field and Classroom May 14-16, 2010 � three full days
covering everything the field workshop does plus extensive classroom
instruction in image editing and optimization and presentations on
photographic technique concentrating on rookery photography. Learn
more here:
(Note from artie: when I was at Gatorland last week,
the place was rocking! See the February 22 blog entry here:
Great Egret in flight - Gatorland, Image
Copyright 2009: Robert Amoruso
Canon 50D, Canon 70-200mm + 1.4x TC. 1/30 sec, f/5.6,
Manual, Evaluative, ISO 250, Flash Compensation +3.
Understanding the correct flash technique
with birds in flight is key to making images like this.

American Alligator, Gatorland, Image Copyright
2009: Robert Amoruso
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 600mm + 1.4x TC. 1/200
sec, f/5.6, Manual, Evaluative, ISO 800.
The light and reflections seen in this image last
only a few minutes at Gatorland. Knowing where to be and when at Gatorland, I
can show you how to create images like this. The blue color cast was
intentionally left in during image processing.
S St.
Augustine Photographic Instructional Workshop
April 15-18, 2010 � three and one-half days of
extensive field and classroom instruction at the famous St. Augustine
Alligator Farm with Robert Amoruso and Robert O�Toole. We will be using the
Alligator Farm�s Education Center for meetings and equipment storage between
morning and afternoon sessions. Weather is pleasant in mid-April and
coincides with a point in time at the rookery when nesting, chicks, mating
and nest building are all occurring; it is one of my favorite times of the
year to be there. Learn more here:
Great Egret Chick, SAAF.
Image Copyright 2009: Robert Amoruso
Canon 1D Mark III, Canon 600mm + 2X TC. 1/1000 sec,
f/8, Manual, Matrix-Metering, ISO 1000, Flash Compensation +1
Proper exposure in dappled light combined with fill-flash helped to
create this image. Let me show you how.
Robert Amoruso has several openings on his July
21 to 27, 2010 Coastal Brown Bear/Lake Clark National Park/Silver Salmon
Creek Lodge trip. Please e-mail Robert for additional info or to learn
about his Private Photographic Instructional Workshops.
My old Anchorage
pal Steve Freno is offering the following used Nikon camera gear
and accessories listed below for sale. To purchase or for additional details
please contact Steve by e-mail at or, if by phone, please e-mail your phone number to
him and include a good time to call. Otherwise, you can call: the
office: 901-752-3060 or the cell: 901-481-9972. All of the listed
gear was recently inherited due to the passing of a close friend of Steve's.
It is priced to sell and includes insured FedEx 2-day Express shipping
in the domestic US (after your check clears). For PayPal, please add 2.5%. If
you do your banking with BofA , a transfer of funds from account to account
can be arranged. With
the exception of the AF-S 600mm F/4G lens (as noted) all gear is in almost
perfect condition. The Gitzo Tripod (GT3530 LSV Carbon Fiber) is
still in the box and appears to have never been used. The ballheads also
appear to be new. The original boxes for the camera gear are not available.
Nikon Zoom Telephoto AF Zoom 200-400mm f/4 G-AFS
ED-IF VR (Vibration Reduction). Includes original padded carry case.
Purchase price: $6299.95.
Selling price: $5000
Nikon Telephoto AF-S 600mm f/4G ED Autofocus Lens
w. Silent Wave Motor (non-VR model). *Lens has a broken tightening screw. It
is useable. Replacement is $950 which was considered in the selling price.*
Includes original carry case. Purchase
price: $9,000.00. Selling price: $5300.00
Nikon AF-S Zoom 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR Lens.
Purchase price: $1999.99. Selling
price: $1450.00
Nikon D300 SLR Digital Camera (Includes Magic
Lantern Guide, no original manual). MB-D10
Multi-Power Battery Grip.
Purchase price: $2,059.90.
Selling price: $1250.00
Nikon D200 SLR Digital Camera (no original
manual). MB-D200 Multi-Power Battery
Purchase price: $1,878.95.
Selling price: $700.00
Nikon 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom AF Lens. Purchased
for: $1,029.95. Selling price: $500
Tokina AT-X PRO 28-70mm 1:2.6-2.8 (Nikon mount).
Selling price - $300
Gitzo � GT3530 LSV Carbon Fiber Tripod � Appears
to be brand new, still in box/bag. No signs or wear or use. See GT3530 LS for
specs. Purchase price: $724.95.
Selling price: $600.00
Really Right Stuff BH-55 LR � Full size ballhead
with lever release.
Purchase price: $455.
Selling price: $355.
Arca-Swiss Monoball B1 with snap collar � (looks
brand new).
Selling price: $375
Arca-Swiss Monoball B1G � (looks brand new).
Selling price - $300
Great Egrets fighting above rookery,
Rookery Island, Sarasota Bay, FL
Image copyright 2010/Arthur
Canon 870-200mm f/4L IS lens (handheld at
185m) with the EOS-7D. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +2/3 stop: 1/1600
sec. at f/6.3.
I created this image on Ron Mayberry's
boat on an outing with Denise Ippolito and dear friend and IPT veteran Lou
Newman. Lou and Ron will be on the 2nd Midway trip. I had just
given my 400 DO to Denise when this amazing fight broke out.
She was too tight and I was perfect. You gotta love being lucky.
Two trips, early March, 2010 (from Oahu, HI)
San Diego
5 Full Days: $2499 (Limit 8/Openings 6) I
will announce the dates once I get a look at a tide table.
program on the evening before the first day of the IPT. A fully refundable
$500 deposit now will hold your spot until the dates are announced.
Once the dates are announced let me know either way. If you opt in,
then your deposit will become non-refundable and you will be asked to
complete the registration and release forms. Brown Pelicans, Wood and
Ring-necked Ducks, Western and Heerman's Gulls, Marbled Godwits, and lots,
lots more.
PRESIDENT'S WEEK IPT: 2011 DATES TBA: $2899. If you would
like your name placed on the interested list for this IPT, please e-mail
me at
2010 IPT: 'The
Complete Bosque Experience.' NOV 20-26, 2010. Slide program on the
evening of Friday, NOV 19. 7-FULL DAYS: $3199.
(Non-refundable deposit: $500; see details below.) Limit: 10/Openings; 7.
Co-leaders: Robert O�Toole, Jim Heupel., and multiple BBC Wildlife
Photographer of the Year honoree Chris Van Rooyen of South Africa ( Live,
eat, and breathe photography with one of (if not the) world's premier
photographic educators at one of his very favorite locations on the planet.
Plus great co-leaders and top-notch Photoshop instruction.
A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to
hold a spot for this IPT. Deposits may be paid by check, PayPal, or credit
card. Payment in full (by check or money order only) is due four months
before the start of each trip and is non-refundable unless the IPT sells out.
You will be required to sign a statement of understanding to this effect.
Travel insurance is of course highly recommended. Travel Insurance
Services offers a variety of plans and options. Included with the Elite
Option or available as an upgrade to the Basic & Plus Options, you can also
purchase Cancel for Any Reason Coverage, which expands the list of reasons for
your canceling to an infinite list, from a sudden work or family obligation to
a simple change of mind. My family and I use and depend on the great
policies offered by TIS whenever we travel. You can learn more here:
Travel Insurance Services.
Do note that many plans require that you purchase your travel insurance within
14 days of our cashing your deposit check of running your credit card.
We regret that we must implement this new policy but we have been plagued by
last minute cancellations that make it impossible for others to participate
and deprive us of essential income.
Important note: please print, fill out, and sign
the registration and release forms and include them with your deposit check
(made out to "Arthur Morris." ) If you use a credit card to register,
please fill out, sign, and mail the two forms asap. Your registration
will not be complete until we receive your paper work. You can find the
forms here: IPT Registration and Release Form.
Best and great
Arthur Morris has been a paid Canon contract photographer, part of the
Explorers of Light program, since 1996 and continues in that role today.
Hunt's Photo of Boston, MA is a BAA sponsor as is Delkin Devices. Back
issues of all BAA Bulletins can be found in the Bulletin Archives that may be
accessed here: